Post Tagged with: "California"

All About Me

8 Month 1 Act Play...

8 Month 1 Act Play…

8 months to the day since I landed in Los Angeles.


Nowhere To Run To, Baby...

Nowhere To Run To, Baby…

I have adjusted to ‘masking’ my feelings and activities.


They Say It’s Your Birthday...

They Say It’s Your Birthday…

Happy Birthday to my favorite cell mate.

All About Me

Sunshine of My Life...

Sunshine of My Life…

I love my baby bug. My l’il yellow VW has been the sunshine of my life since 1978.

Social Commentary

Taxing Situation...

Taxing Situation…

Dreams do come true.


A Fixer...

A Fixer…

Life’s frustrations. Like a sturdy washer, I spin my emotions and issues  away or I eat my feelings.


Li'l Boys And Their Toys...

Li’l Boys And Their Toys…

Leaving on a jet plane.

Weekend Getaway

Laguna Beach, Baby...

Laguna Beach, Baby…

Road trip. It is always fun to embark on a day trip with the doggies.

Social Commentary



We have a houseguest. A homeless man is sleeping in our driveway right outside the gate. The Palisades is inundated with the homeless as Venice and Santa Monica move the […]

Restaurant Reviews

Dining: Dysfunctional Familia...

Dining: Dysfunctional Familia…

Hello, my names is Toby and I am a Foodie.