

Golden Sunday…

Golden Sunday…

Sweet spot.


Walking On Sunshine…

Walking On Sunshine…

Back to a safe harbor.

All About Me, Malibu

Malibu Immobility...

Malibu Immobility…

I should consider moving to Malibu. Every time I arrive, I am unable to depart.


Magic Malibu...

Magic Malibu…

Malibu is magical.

Malibu, New York Giants

It Just Doesn"t Get Better Than This...

It Just Doesn”t Get Better Than This…

The day unfolded shrouded in coastal fog. Courtny and I took Berkeley, the miracle dog, for a 5 mile walk. Our Super Dog has rebounded again. She was literally on […]

LifeStyle, Malibu

Malibu Meanderings...

Malibu Meanderings…

The weekend…hope you have a moment to try a recipe or digest the commentary. I welcome comments and feedback, so start talking! I did my morning spin, ran the dogs, […]