Women’s Health

Women's Health

Seeing Red…

Seeing Red…

Go with the flow.

Women's Health

Uptown Girls…

Uptown Girls…

The Girls marched to midtown yesterday.

Women's Health



  32 days in a row.

Women's Health



It appears that wining and dining can lead to precarious consequences.

Women's Health

We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby…

We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby…

Finally a breakthrough with postpartum depression.

Women's Health

The Girls Do Midtown…

The Girls Do Midtown…

Yesterday was my B Day.

Women's Health

And That’s The Truth…Period.

And That’s The Truth…Period.

Yo, sisterhood…your attention, please.

Women's Health

You Go, Girls…

You Go, Girls…

Girls and I hit midtown this morning.

Mammogram, Women's Health

My Girls…

My Girls…

October signifies changing seasons, the end of Daylight Savings Time, the World Series and Halloween. For me it’s Mammogram Month.

All About Me, Women's Health

White Coat Hang Up…

White Coat Hang Up…

I am a grown ass woman and I still suffer from white coat syndrome.