Post Tagged with: "Nancy Pelosi"


Office Politics…

Office Politics…

The Republican Congress is a reprehensible Congame.

A Little Of This & That

This & That…

This & That…

Looks as if we are all resuming regular programming.




The next Election Day is 636 days away.


Stand Down...

Stand Down…

I’m mad as hell and can’t bleeping take it anymore. In 2020 women are still under fire from the opposite sex.

Movies, TV

Weekend Delight...

Weekend Delight…

In many parts of the country it just may be a less then stellar weather weekend. Movies anyone? If you are in the mood for a unique, creative, entertaining film, […]


Shut Him Down...

Shut Him Down…

Today’s political reality…this is a one issue White House.

Politics, Women's Rights

What Is Old Is New Again...

What Is Old Is New Again…

Nancy Pelosi is 78 years-old. Recognition of timely advancements in the women’s movement is often focused on the young, vocal leaders.


Chuck & Nancy Went Down The Hill...

Chuck & Nancy Went Down The Hill…

A Trump Era Nursery Rhyme Chuck and Nancy loved to wheel and deal and frolic up on the Hill


Team Amy McGrath...

Team Amy McGrath…

My newest hero is Amy McGrath. She was the first female Marine to fly in an F-18 in combat.

Politics, TV

The Handmaid's Tale...

The Handmaid’s Tale…

Shortness of breath…