Team Amy McGrath…

My newest hero is Amy McGrath.

She was the first female Marine to fly in an F-18 in combat.

Now she is taking on a more challenging opponent…the Bluegrass, RED state of Kentucky.

Who knew that I would be writing about a Marine who resides in Kentucky, one of the most conservative states in the Union, a place that supports Mitch McConnell for 32 years along with his hand-picked Congressman, Andy Barr, who recently supported the Trump proposed health care bill.

I just joined Team Amy last week.

Political ads do not sit well with me or bring me to tears, but when I was introduced to Amy via a commercial that Lawrence O’Donnell highlighted on MSNBC, I couldn’t Google her fast enough.

So let’s see. Amy grew up in Kentucky and by age 12, Amy had fallen in love with military fighter jets.

No women in the armed forces were pilots.

Amy discovered there was a federal law in the U.S. prohibiting women from serving in combat roles…hello, glass ceiling.

Amy began writing to members of Congress and published letters to the editor in her hometown newspapers advocating for change.

After her own congressional delegation failed to respond in a satisfactory way (Amy never received a reply from U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell), she then wrote every member of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees.

Rep. Patricia Schroeder of Colorado, responded “The object of a war is to win. We should, therefore, field the best-qualified military possible…I think that it is time for military service to be based on qualifications, not gender.”

Despite the limitations, McGrath attended the Naval Academy and while there, the law was changed.

Women were finally allowed to serve in combat.

She then had a 20-year military career, in which she flew 89 combat missions, including bombings targeting al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Tenacity runs in her family.

Her mother is a polio survivor who became one of the first women to graduate from University of Kentucky Medical School.

I just donated to the McGrath campaign in support of her latest mission.

Check out her ad and peruse her website and see if you don’t agree that Amy is the type of candidate concerned citizens should support.

This political endorsement is supported by the Devil who gets all hot and bothered about strong, smart, successful, multi-tasking women like Senators Elizabeth Warren, Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, Susan Collins, Diane Feinstein, Amy Klobuchar, Lisa Murkowski, Kamala Harris, Mazie Hirono, Kristen Gillibrand and Congresswomen Maxine Waters, Jackie Speier and Nancy Pelosi who puts words into positive and caring action…can you hear me now, Ivanka Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Betsy DeVos, Sarah Palin and Senator Joni Ernst.

*Photo: Reverb Press

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