

To Have And To Hold…

To Have And To Hold…

To have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish always.


You’re Still The One…

You’re Still The One…

Today is a milestone day.

Football, Marriage, New York Giants

Tackling A Fall Reorg…

Tackling A Fall Reorg…

Yesterday, I demurely handed in my proposed seasonal reorg to my husband.


Crazy Little Thing Called Love…

Crazy Little Thing Called Love…

Almost four decades united in marital bliss.


Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow…

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow…

Life. Twists and turns abound.


I’ve Got You Under My Skin…

I’ve Got You Under My Skin…

Today, I shall unmask my true love story.


Wedding Mania…

Wedding Mania…

Big Brother was watching in 1984.

Love, Marriage

Still The One...

Still The One…

Pandemic…The new marriage barometer.


Love Is Love Is Love...

Love Is Love Is Love…

Despite the domestic terrorists who are demonstrating in cities while locked and loaded, a expanding group of people are quarantined peacefully armed with only love in their hearts.


Root Of The Matter...

Root Of The Matter…

After 40 years together we are still introducing new things into our marriage. This act proved to be a real turn on.