Archive for March, 2016


Lousy Chinese Food…

Lousy Chinese Food…

2am and I can’t sleep. I am watching the results from the latest Super Tuesday. Happiness sets in as Clinton swept 4 of the 5 states. Missouri is still too […]


Feet Don’t Fail Me…

Feet Don’t Fail Me…

A lovely surprise. Last Saturday I had a reunion with one of my favorite relatives.

Restaurant Reviews

Dining: Charcoal Venice Is Cookin’…

Dining: Charcoal Venice Is Cookin’…

Eureka…finally enjoyed a delicious meal in Los Angeles.

New York City

Sunday Perfection…

Sunday Perfection…

Yesterday, I experienced a real New York Sunday.


Home Improvement…

Home Improvement…

The price of beauty is daunting.

New York City

Hit The Ground Running…

Hit The Ground Running…

6am and ready to hit Central Park on a gorgeous day.


Tough Yet Tender…

Tough Yet Tender…

  Every single time I fly out of Los Angeles it conjures up memories of the night before my departure for sleep away camp.

Restaurant Reviews

Dining: Birch Bites…

Dining: Birch Bites…

Birch was a bust. Tree bark is probably tastier.

Social Commentary

Boots On The Ground…

Boots On The Ground…

Inspiring moments pop up at the most unexpected times.

Social Commentary

668 & Counting…

668 & Counting…

It has been an exhausting week. My brain is tired from nourishing The Devil. She is a hungry bitch.