Post Tagged with: "President Obama"


Dior and Obama Designed To Woo…

Dior and Obama Designed To Woo…

I recently joined the Brooklyn Museum just to be able to secure reservations to the Dior and Obama exhibits.

All About Me

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!...

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!…

An event that debuted in 1066 and in 2020 I have upheld the tradition of Town Crier.

A Little Of This & That

PuPu Platter Of Tasty Info...

PuPu Platter Of Tasty Info…

No politics. No I see dead people. No depressing Coronaville gossip. Just a few light and breezy recommendations.


Scampering For Shrimp...

Scampering For Shrimp…

I was so excited to hear from President Obama that I scampered into the kitchen and tweaked a bunch of recipes and created my own version of Shrimp Scampi.


What A Man...

What A Man…

Whatta man, Whatta Man, Whatta Man… Just replayed President Obama’s farewell address.

Retail Therapy

You Don't Know Shit From Shinola...

You Don’t Know Shit From Shinola…

My daughter has mastered the art of retail therapy. The other day she introduced me to a legitimate Made In America, high quality product. You need to know about Shinola.

Politics, Sexism

Hail To The Chieftess...

Hail To The Chieftess…

As a full-blooded member of the beyond capable, multi-tasking gender and an American, I am thrilled that a woman may be the next President of the United States of America.


Make America Great, Again...

Make America Great, Again…

Make America Great…Again. Beyond the fact that I foolishly thought that America was still great, I see that Trump has negotiated an endorsement from Sarah Palin.


Just Another Day In America...

Just Another Day In America…

When is the madness going to stop? No one is listening to President Obama or the legion of Americans screaming for new gun legislation. Gun violence has become routine. This […]


Pope For President...

Pope For President…

I am putting together a petition for a write-in candidate for President of the United States. I am nominating Pope Francis.