Post Tagged with: "Agent Orange"

Happy New Year

Buh Bye 2021…

Buh Bye 2021…

As the sun sets on an interesting year we wave Buh Bye to 2021.

A Little Of This & That

Lost and Found…

Lost and Found…

Agent Orange was spotted in Delray Beach yesterday.

A Little Of This & That

Subway Subterfuge…

Subway Subterfuge…

Dangerous minds.

Agent Orange, Politics

Election Day 2021…

Election Day 2021…

Back to throwing down the Tums.


Oops, I Did It Again…

Oops, I Did It Again…

I am starting to feel very anxious again about the state of America and the universe as a whole.

Politics, TV

Cold Turkey…

Cold Turkey…

I have gone cold Turkey.

New York City

Start Spreading The News...

Start Spreading The News…

New York City could use a facelift and its first priority is a new mayor.

Agent Orange

Republican Stinkweed...

Republican Stinkweed…

Monday morning the Orange blob slithered out from under his Floridian stinkweed covered rock and zoomed in on “The Truth with Lisa Boothe,” a new conservative podcast.

All About Me

Call Me Shallow...

Call Me Shallow…

In the old days I lived a full life. Being a hostage in Coronaville is quite limiting.


Hell No...

Hell No…

Haughty Image, Haughty Man.