Most Recent Posts


Dallas Buyers Club…

Dallas Buyers Club…

I dislike just about everything Dallas except for Neiman Marcus and barbecue.


Blame It On Menopause…

Blame It On Menopause…

Do you ever experience days when you wake up and you just know it isn’t going to be a good one?

Restaurant Reviews

Vive La Republique…

Vive La Republique…

  I had a luscious blind date with a much younger Francophile. We were introduced through social media and decided to rendezvous last Friday evening.

Politics, Sports

Olympic Gold Standard…

Olympic Gold Standard…

I am usually front and center for the Opening Ceremony of  the Olympics. This year I passed.

Health + Fitness

Holding It Is Hard…

Holding It Is Hard…

Who knew that I could be so bad on my back. After years of practice you would think I would be a pro.


Avenging The Entitlementor’s…

Avenging The Entitlementor’s…

A new year, a new attitude. I have not gone on an Entitlement rant in quite a bit…seems forever because I find them to be as beneficial as a Beyonce […]


Sex, Drugs and Mayhem…

Sex, Drugs and Mayhem…

Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll, Money, Booze, Murder, Scandal.

Restaurant Reviews

The Breakfast Club…

The Breakfast Club…

It’s the middle of a grueling winter in the U.S. and presently, I am hangin’ in Los Angeles. I am aiming to piss off at least half of my readers […]

Movies, Sports

An Instant Classic…

An Instant Classic…

There were 2 Super Bowls in the state of New York last weekend. One was super and was was a total dud.

Social Commentary

It’s The Little Things…

It’s The Little Things…

Side stepping politics, fashion and sports for a day, let’s just take a moment to smell the roses and think about the little things in life that provide great joy.