Are You Ready For Some Football…

#1 giants fan

I have been clean and sober for nine months.

Yes, I did have momentary lapses with Syracuse University Orange basketball and the NY Yankees, but I was able to straighten myself out quickly.

I am about to fall off the wagon tonight. I restrained myself yesterday by only watching 8 National Football League games…I wanted to ease myself back in. It’s like eating carbs again after a long hiatus. It tastes so good, but you don’t want to binge.


The heavy stuff starts tonight at 4:10pm PT. My beloved, but abusive New York Giants kick off Monday Night Football in Detroit against a brutal Lions defense led by the dirtiest football player in the league, the 305 lb, Ndamukong Suh and the megatron receiver, Calvin Johnson.

NFL: New York Giants at Detroit Lions

Few positives surfaced during our undefeated pre-season. The highlights being the running game led by free agent acquisition, Rashad Jennings and our highly touted secondary which will be tested tonight.

I won’t get to deep into the specifics of the team as I know I will lose readers, but let me just say, I am equally elated and scared shitless.

Last season the Giants started 0-6. Nothing much has changed offensively to make me more optomistic. If Eli Manning could look worse than last year than he does with the west coast offensive scheme concocted by the new offensive coordinator, Ben McAdoo.

The Giants wins and losses live with me…they take a toll. My husband frequently suggests psychiatric counseling because I often wake him during the middle of the night after losses, lamenting a key play, interception, fumble.

Of course, I scoff and laugh deliriously, claiming there is nothing wrong with me just a mad obsession with 53 men in tight pants who try to kill each other every week.

When the Giants win, life is amazing. The glow lasts all week. When they lose, I am more down than I am during home renovations.

For decades I have questioned this wild obsession with a group of men who don’t even know who I am. I suffer more than they do and they make millions even when they lose.

I am at a loss to explain or understand it, but I love the New York Giants, have since birth and I cannot cure this addition nor do I want to.

LET’S GO GIANTS and make my day.

I am beyond ready for some football…

this girl football

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One Comment

  1. LOL! Iiving with a similarly obsessed human I can almost understand.

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