
Social Commentary

Diamonds Are Forever…

Diamonds Are Forever…

Despite advances in gender equality one tradition persists.

Amazing Doggies

A Dog’s Life…

A Dog’s Life…

Now that the vicious attack dog and his bitch have been expunged it’s time for love to permeate the White House.

Social Commentary, TV shows

Dastardly Cheapskates…

Dastardly Cheapskates…

I have always found that when working with the rich and famous the more fame amd fortune the cheaper they are unless there is a tax write off involved.

Amazing Doggies, Daughters, TV shows

Family Feature…

Family Feature…

Hiking our way through the pandemic.

Social Commentary

My Blue Heaven…

My Blue Heaven…

I don’t know if the bar for entertainment is low in Coronaville, but I am groovin’ on the Democratic National Convention.


Life’s A Beach, Sometimes…

Life’s A Beach, Sometimes…

The beach is my refuge.

Social Commentary

Sad (and fed up)…

Sad (and fed up)…

Hello…any solid good news out there? I am feeling sad and anxious.




Nonviolent, badass mothers…never underestimate them.

Social Commentary

Racism Is Terrible. Blackness Is Not…

Racism Is Terrible. Blackness Is Not…

The moving, commanding essay in this month’s The Atlantic by Princeton University professor of African American Studies, Imani Perry on Black joy, Black pain and how the two intertwine, is […]

Weekend Getaway



Our first Memorial Day/Birthday weekend at home in 30 years.