You’ve Got A Friend…
Where do all the interesting people hide?
My life is finally spinning out of control again, but in a productive way.
I’m a mother… No, not that kind…a real mother and yesterday was my Mother’s Day.
On my way to spin yesterday and my mind was on Syracuse basketball and March Madness. I was within a block of Equinox and preoccupied.
I am killing myself. I think I took my New Year’s resolution a bit too seriously. In point of fact, I could barely get out of bed this morning.
T The devil has risen, once again. Happy New Year! I have missed my devilish fun and loyal followers and hope you all had a fabulous holiday. Let’s kick this […]
Footnote: I just returned from spin class and I am pissed. In light of today’s blog, I sat next to a bikini wearing (inappropriate for her body and age) Equinox […]
Yesterday, I had to drive to Pasadena to have Madison, my Golden Lab, go to a ‘doggie car wash’ or in veterinarian dermatology speak, Therapeutic Oxygen Bath, a treatment for her […]
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