Three Men and a Bellowing Babe...

Three Men and a Bellowing Babe…

Kimberly Guilfoyle. I have to be honest,,,I would be screaming too if I had two dead minks attached to my scalp and hanging onto my shoulders for dear life.


Dance Face...

Dance Face…

Have you ever noticed that people make the weirdest faces when they are groovin’ to the music.


Name That Pill...

Name That Pill…

The TV is always on. It’s all about Breaking News because living in Humpty Trumpty’s world every day brings a new disaster, conflict, pandemic, economic devastation and racial tensions. In […]

Agent Orange, WTH

Pissed Off Produce...

Pissed Off Produce…

I I feel as if I am preparing myself to bungee jump off of a towering building every time I go to the grocery store.


Love Comes Easier Then Hate...

Love Comes Easier Then Hate…

Make America Breathe Again. This country is suffocating.


Masking The Truth...

Masking The Truth…

Let’s end the week with a you can’t make this crap up post!


Adventures In Online Dating...

Adventures In Online Dating…

Someone very close to me recently texted this stream of conversation she had with a single white male on a dating website. Opening gambit by SWM: Male: Hi! Female: How […]


When All Else Fails, Scream...

When All Else Fails, Scream…

Is this a horror show or reality?!


Barnyard Appeal...

Barnyard Appeal…

I’m braying at 21st century TV commercials. What’s with the use of donkeys, mules, turkeys, alpacas, llamas and pigs to sell products?




Life is short. Today’s post will be, too.