That’s Life

That's Life

Bye, Bye, Bye...

Bye, Bye, Bye…

Change is good. I am going to implement the game plan today.

That's Life

Super Sick...

Super Sick…

The Polar Vortex crept into our apartment and ensnarled me in upper respiratory hell, surrounding me in a large mass of cold, dense mucous and sinus pain.

That's Life

Money, Money, Money$$$

Money, Money, Money$$$

It costs so much money to just exist. Even death is expensive. 

That's Life, Theater

I’m Mad As Hell...

I’m Mad As Hell…

Yesterday was a day brimming with highs.

That's Life

Sunshine Girl...

Sunshine Girl…

  Am I the only one who looks forward to get togethers and are often let down?

That's Life

Cleaning Is My Life...

Cleaning Is My Life…

Home Sweet Home. Not so much.

Music, NY Yankees, That's Life

If It Makes You Happy...

If It Makes You Happy…

Happiness has been elusive lately.

That's Life

Let It Be...

Let It Be…

Romance is not dead…even after 34 years of marriage.

That's Life

Everybody Loves Mango...

Everybody Loves Mango…

Migraines and menopause are uphill battles. Reality trumps both of them.

That's Life

Stormy Weather...

Stormy Weather…

Sunday. Are you kidding me? It’s winter again.