It’s The Little Things…
Side stepping politics, fashion and sports for a day, let’s just take a moment to smell the roses and think about the little things in life that provide great joy.
Side stepping politics, fashion and sports for a day, let’s just take a moment to smell the roses and think about the little things in life that provide great joy.
Mothers, gather round. When you have a child, you fly by the seat of your pants. No matter how many books you read, or how many parenting courses you take […]
Reality sucks. If you have been following the travails with my 13 year-old doggie, Berkeley, you know that she has an inoperable tumor in her liver.
I saw August: Osage County recently. I thought is was an amazing film with incredible performances by an outstanding cast, especially Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts. Critics have written that […]
T The devil has risen, once again. Happy New Year! I have missed my devilish fun and loyal followers and hope you all had a fabulous holiday. Let’s kick this […]
Are we drawn to tradition because we love it or as my mother always says, “It’s the thing to do?!” Personally, religion is all about the tradition and I worship […]
Yesterday was a perfect day in South Florida. We were up and out by 7am, did our 4 miles, swam laps and then I decided to go to the beach […]
I had lunch at Pizzeria Mozza in Hollywood this week. Mozza, part of the Mario Batali and Joe Bastianich empire, has the best pizza in Los Angeles and their salads […]
The holidays are so close. Manhattan retailers are busy, windows glowing, spirits high. Walking in Central Park and passing through Times Square on the way to a Broadway show, I […]
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