
Social Commentary

It's The Little Things...

It’s The Little Things…

Side stepping politics, fashion and sports for a day, let’s just take a moment to smell the roses and think about the little things in life that provide great joy.

Basketball, Social Commentary

Shoot Hoops Not Bullets...

Shoot Hoops Not Bullets…

Allow me to briefly address one of my sports addictions.


Bringing Up Bieber...

Bringing Up Bieber…

Mothers, gather round. When you have a child, you fly by the seat of your pants. No matter how many books you read, or how many parenting courses you take […]

Amazing Doggies

Dog Day Afternoon...

Dog Day Afternoon…

Reality sucks. If you have been following the travails with my 13 year-old doggie, Berkeley, you know that she has an inoperable tumor in her liver.

Movies, Social Commentary

All In The Family...

All In The Family…

I saw August: Osage County recently. I thought is was an amazing film with incredible performances by an outstanding cast, especially Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts. Critics have written that […]

Social Commentary

Deep Breath...

Deep Breath…

T The devil has risen, once again. Happy New Year! I have missed my devilish fun and loyal followers and hope you all had a fabulous holiday. Let’s kick this […]




Are we drawn to tradition because we love it or as my mother always says, “It’s the thing to do?!” Personally, religion is all about the tradition and I worship […]

Rest + Relaxation

Life's A Beach...

Life’s A Beach…

Yesterday was a perfect day in South Florida. We were up and out by 7am, did our 4 miles, swam laps and then I decided to go to the beach […]

Weekend Getaway

Home On The Range...

Home On The Range…

I had lunch at Pizzeria Mozza in Hollywood this week. Mozza, part of the Mario Batali and Joe Bastianich empire, has the best pizza in Los Angeles and their salads […]

New York City, Social Commentary

Holiday Cheer...

Holiday Cheer…

The holidays are so close. Manhattan retailers are busy, windows glowing, spirits high. Walking in Central Park and passing through Times Square on the way to a Broadway show, I […]