Post Tagged with: "SNL"

All About Me

Intestinal Fortitude…

Intestinal Fortitude…

It’s a Small World after all.


Rockin’ Out With the Notorious RBG and MFR…

Rockin’ Out With the Notorious RBG and MFR…

Yo, Tenacious TLC here urging you to see the ‘Notorious’ RBG flick.

Agent Orange, TV

It Doesn’t Even Matter…

It Doesn’t Even Matter…

I just cannot erase a Saturday Night Live skit from my consciousness.

Weekend Getaway

Atomic Saturday…

Atomic Saturday…

I don’t know if I was just blinded by love.


Cruisin’ On A Sunday…

Cruisin’ On A Sunday…

What a ride! That’s how I would describe last Sunday morning.


White Glove Movie Magic…

White Glove Movie Magic…

A cloudy, dreary day in NYC calls for a movie. We were up early so we strolled over to visit the feisty Greek lady at our local food truck for an egg […]