Post Tagged with: "sexism"

A Little Of This & That

Can you Hear Me Now…

Can you Hear Me Now…

Avoiding conflict. Does it seem impossible?

Women's Rights

Dancing With Myself…

Dancing With Myself…

Whether it is Donald Trump, a contractor or auto mechanic men are still sexist pigs.


Women Can Do Everything...

Women Can Do Everything…

If women are tough bosses they are bitches. If men are difficult in the workplace they are strong and forceful. What a double standard.


Rise Up...

Rise Up…

  Dealing with gender inequality and workplace sexual harassment has been a constant most of my professional life.


Nasty Women Unite...

Nasty Women Unite…

As the Presidential campaign thankfully winds down, I am still trying to figure out why people hate Hillary.

Politics, Women's Rights

Here Piggy Piggy...

Here Piggy Piggy…

  Last night I opened an email from Kelly Ward. The author is a mother and Executive Director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee who was shocked by the number […]

Entitlement, Sexism

Men Are Pussies...

Men Are Pussies…

Why are men so put off by strong women?

Sexism, Women's Rights

Schisms in the Isms...

Schisms in the Isms…

Oh no, I think I am having a serious moment. Courtny, my dazzling daughter, and I have talked about women in the work place for years. She has known that a glass […]