New York City

New York City

No Place Like Home...

No Place Like Home…

Saturday, I closed my eyes and tapped my heels together three times and thought to myself, ‘There’s no place like home’.

Movies, New York City

Only In NY, Baby...

Only In NY, Baby…

Sunday dawned in NYC and the weather mafia was in a frenzy. It was the first day of spring and snow was on the horizon.

New York City, Theater

Women Eclipsed By Violence...

Women Eclipsed By Violence…

  Free to be me in NYC.

New York City

Sunday Perfection...

Sunday Perfection…

Yesterday, I experienced a real New York Sunday.

New York City

Hit The Ground Running...

Hit The Ground Running…

6am and ready to hit Central Park on a gorgeous day.

Los Angeles, New York City, Travel

East Trumps West...

East Trumps West…

Leaving on a jet plane. I do know when I’ll be back again, just not as soon as I would like.

Movies, New York City, Theater

Rockin' In NYC...

Rockin’ In NYC…

Feeling bored? I prescribe a heavy dose of New York City for what ails you.

Movies, New York City, Theater

Wild, Wild West (Side)...

Wild, Wild West (Side)…

I am being held hostage by jet lag. When you awake at 1 am and are ready to rumble your options are limited to quietly reading the NY Times online […]

Holidays, New York City

Holiday Windows That Wow...

Holiday Windows That Wow…

HAPPY HOLIDAYS… Time for the annual Manhattan holiday windows viewing party.

Food + Drink, New York City, Sports

A Super Sunday...

A Super Sunday…

So much happening in NYC this past Sunday…NYC Marathon, the World Series.