Post Tagged with: "The Good Wife"

Aging, Theater

Screw Acting Your Age…

Screw Acting Your Age…

Proudly and unselfconsciously fly your freak flag.

TV shows

Let Me Entertain You…

Let Me Entertain You…

Other than NY Giants back to back wins there is nothing like finding thoroughly entertaining and compelling TV programming during a pandemic lockdown.


The End Of Parenthood…

The End Of Parenthood…

Other than sports, I have not been that engaged with television. Late last night, after an ice cold martini with a lovely friend, I had the TV on for companionship […]

Social Commentary

Breaking News…

Breaking News…

The United States of America has not fought a war on our own turf in centuries. Can you imagine the television coverage if we had?

Retail Therapy

Bev Hills Babes, Part 2…

Bev Hills Babes, Part 2…

Beverly Hills Babes, Part 2…yay, baby.


Sex, Drugs and Mayhem…

Sex, Drugs and Mayhem…

Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll, Money, Booze, Murder, Scandal.