The United States of America has not fought a war on our own turf in centuries.
Can you imagine the television coverage if we had?
Why, I would never get through an entire NY Giants or Yankees broadcast if warring factions were doing battle on American soil.
The Young and the Restless would not be able to air any scantily clad affairs or dastardly acts.
I am basing this on what has gone down the last week on the east and west coasts. Every 5 minutes a middle-aged man breaks in on a New York TV station to describe the nor’easter, rising tides, wind velocity and rainfall.
Do conditions really change every 5 minutes? I can almost understand why the network news took over the airwaves during Hurricane Sandy or the Loma Prieta earthquake, but for a rainstorm?
In this day and age of electronic media, we can still get up and look out the window.
In Los Angeles, the view is perkier. It is always a breast implanted 20-something in a tight dress who tells you which way the wind is blowing. I always feel as if they are auditioning on air for the next Debbie Does Dallas role.
We all have weather apps on our phones. The weather channel is included in all cable packages and the news ticker at the bottom of the screen has up to the minute details.
Can’t we get through just one rain or snowstorm without Breaking News breaking in every 5 minutes?!
I selfishly want to see my sports broadcast or The Good Wife in its entirety. I get the weather isn’t good, but don’t constantly rain on my parade.
This is so funny! Here in the Midwest, they interrupt only for “tornado on the ground” or similar warning. Rainstorm? Hail? Severe t-storm? Not a big deal …
Now tornados are BREAKING NEWS worthy…