Dallas Buyers Club…
I dislike just about everything Dallas except for Neiman Marcus and barbecue.
Side stepping politics, fashion and sports for a day, let’s just take a moment to smell the roses and think about the little things in life that provide great joy.
We are rapidly approaching the NFL divisional championship games and then Super Bowl Sunday which is at Giants Stadium (MetLife) this year, minus my beloved New York Football Giants. I […]
Are we drawn to tradition because we love it or as my mother always says, “It’s the thing to do?!” Personally, religion is all about the tradition and I worship […]
After buying the New York Football Giants (should be a bargain after yesterday’s abysmal play in San Diego) and having an on-call masseuse, I am going to acquire or charter […]
So much to say… I am on the plane, winging my way back to New York City to resume normal programming. What an amazing trip. Paris is one of the […]
The NY Giants won their 3rd game in a row this past Sunday after suffering 6 consecutive losses. The Giants generational fan club was very excited, spending time enthusing and […]
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