Post Tagged with: "Humidity"

Los Angeles

Beach Blanket Bonanza…

Beach Blanket Bonanza…

If it’s the weekend I have to be beachin’ it in Malibu.

All About Me

Cool As A Cucumber…

Cool As A Cucumber…

It’s so early I cannot function, but I must be out the door by 4:15am.

All About Me

Out To Pasture…

Out To Pasture…

Are these senior moments?!

Hot Flashes, Politics

Hot & Heavy Handed...

Hot & Heavy Handed…

Lately, I feel as if I am residing in a Third World country.


Holy Humidity...

Holy Humidity…

I feel I am being stalked. No, not by some creepy human, but by humidity.

Los Angeles

High and Dry...

High and Dry…

Good morning, Los Angeles.