Post Tagged with: "High Colonic"


Grudge Match...

Grudge Match…

Grudges. Unfortunately, I hang onto them as tightly as I do my NY Giants game day superstitions.


Yankee Season Yanked...

Yankee Season Yanked…

I could not muster up an appropriate baseball mate for some Yankee afternoon delight. As I do with Giants home games when my daughter is in Los Angeles, I journeyed […]


Avenging The Entitlementor's...

Avenging The Entitlementor’s…

A new year, a new attitude. I have not gone on an Entitlement rant in quite a bit…seems forever because I find them to be as beneficial as a Beyonce […]

Restaurant Reviews



Pets really touch a nerve in humans…the response to Friday’s blog was huge. People love their dogs. I hope everyone can experience owning a furry friend…the relationship is so rewarding. […]