Post Tagged with: "Agent Orange"

Politics, TV

The Handmaid's Tale...

The Handmaid’s Tale…

Shortness of breath…

That's Life

Diggin' That Hole...

Diggin’ That Hole…

Who doesn’t love a vacation.


Legally Insipid....

Legally Insipid….

Kudos, Elle. You hit the big time.

Music, Politics

Breaking Bread With Dumb and Dumber...

Breaking Bread With Dumb and Dumber…

Well known people are often asked esoteric questions. Barbara Walters is famous for asking, “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?”


Clap On...

Clap On…

The Easter bunny delivered some rotten eggs during the holiday weekend. North Korea was the stinkiest.


Alternative Facts vs Reality...

Alternative Facts vs Reality…

Ok. I drank the love Kool-Aid on Tuesday. Today I am serious…I am declaring this Tacit Thursday.