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Social Commentary

Fun Facts & Friday Reflections...

Fun Facts & Friday Reflections…

Reflective Friday…It has been a joyous week in so many ways.

New York City

NYC Keeps Giving...

NYC Keeps Giving…

New York City…the gift that keeps on giving and so we delighted in yet another interesting day exploring all that Manhattan has to offer.

Fashion, Retail Therapy

Louboutin Love Affair...

Louboutin Love Affair…

30 years yesterday with the same man…now I can disclose the fact that I have a secret lover, Christian Louboutin.

Restaurant Reviews

Tessa Is For Real...

Tessa Is For Real…

Like weeds in the summertime, restaurants are sprouting up on the Upper West Side. Tessa is a budding rose amongst a garden of ordinary carnations.


30 & Still Going Strong...

30 & Still Going Strong…

Tomorrow marks a BIG wedding anniversary for my husband and myself…decades of wedded bliss.


Reach Out...Readings With Abigail

Reach Out…Readings With Abigail

This week I stepped way outside my comfort zone.

New York City

NYC Can Be A Cheap Date...

NYC Can Be A Cheap Date…

New York is a very expensive place to live and visit…but there are many exciting and interesting offerings at bargain pricing.


Do It...Go, All the Way...

Do It…Go, All the Way…

I went All The Way with Bryan Cranston and it was amazing.

Restaurant Reviews

Clam-mering For Great Food...

Clam-mering For Great Food…

I just cannot clam up about a fabulous new restaurant in New York City.


Stop Yankee'ing Me Around...

Stop Yankee’ing Me Around…

I never set my alarm to wake up early to go to the gym or for work related issues…I set my alarm lately for midnight so I can check in on […]