

Movie Madness...

Movie Madness…

What’s happened to movies?

Movies, New York City, Theater

Rainy Days and Sunday...

Rainy Days and Sunday…

Yesterday dawned dull and humid. I entertained thoughts of hanging out all day, but this is New York City!

Motherhood, Movies

Adult Ed vs College Daze...

Adult Ed vs College Daze…

Everybody Wants Some!! Now that’s the truth.

Los Angeles, Movies, TV

Have You Ever Seen The Rain...

Have You Ever Seen The Rain…

Brace yourself…it poured in Southern California over the weekend. 

Movies, New York City

Only In NY, Baby...

Only In NY, Baby…

Sunday dawned in NYC and the weather mafia was in a frenzy. It was the first day of spring and snow was on the horizon.

Los Angeles, Movies

Make Room For Room...

Make Room For Room…

Sunday I caved to Oscar pressure.

Movies, New York City, Theater

Rockin' In NYC...

Rockin’ In NYC…

Feeling bored? I prescribe a heavy dose of New York City for what ails you.

Movies, Theater

Channeling My Grandparents ...

Channeling My Grandparents …

Another fabulous day in New York City. So much to do and see…wads of cash not needed.

Motherhood, Movies

Mother/Daughter Movie Madness...

Mother/Daughter Movie Madness…

My daughter is definitely my partner in crime as well as my bestie.

Movies, New York City, Theater

Wild, Wild West (Side)...

Wild, Wild West (Side)…

I am being held hostage by jet lag. When you awake at 1 am and are ready to rumble your options are limited to quietly reading the NY Times online […]