Clean Sweep…
In light of my daughter moving on it was necessary for me to, as well. It was time to step up and be forthright.
In light of my daughter moving on it was necessary for me to, as well. It was time to step up and be forthright.
Feeling bored? I prescribe a heavy dose of New York City for what ails you.
Up early on Saturday to drive to Connecticut to transport the mothership.
Skylight showered me with darkness. Broadway should provide joy, entertainment and passion. Passion on stage not at the ticket window.
I saw the Broadway play, The River, starring Hugh Jackman last week.
The United Nations is in session. The streets of New York are as chaotic as the present state of the world.
New York is a very expensive place to live and visit…but there are many exciting and interesting offerings at bargain pricing.
We saw a play Tuesday night that incites dialogue. That is what an inspiring, well written and acted Broadway play should do. Casa Valentina dresses up the cast and then strips them […]
I am in NYC and the theme is, GO and DO every minute just because there are soo many amazing things to do and see…my experiences, hopefully, provide my readers […]