Post Tagged with: "Malibu"

Los Angeles

Free For All...

Free For All…

Sunday morning and I am sitting at the beach in Pacific Palisades with the latest John Grisham book, Sycamore Row, a great beach read, a Starbucks nonfat cap more foam […]

Weekend Getaway

Cruisin' On A Sunday Afternoon...

Cruisin’ On A Sunday Afternoon…

  One of my favorite things to do in Southern California is to head to Malibu. While the journey is only 20 miles, it is a world apart. All is […]

Malibu, New York Giants

It Just Doesn"t Get Better Than This...

It Just Doesn”t Get Better Than This…

The day unfolded shrouded in coastal fog. Courtny and I took Berkeley, the miracle dog, for a 5 mile walk. Our Super Dog has rebounded again. She was literally on […]

Entitlement, Recipes

You Can Cure Stupid...

You Can Cure Stupid…

I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore. Maybe it is because my patience has worn thin with bad manners and the reign of […]