Lyft Us Up…

Uber has plunged into a major sinkhole.

#DeleteUber began trending on Saturday to protest the company’s decision to continue operating while taxis decided to strike, refusing to pick up passengers at John F. Kennedy International Airport in opposition to President Trump’s refugee ban.

The New York Taxi Workers Alliance is comprised mostly of immigrants and is a heavily Muslim union.

The public turned against Uber, believing the company was trying to profit off of striking workers.

Lyft had paused its surge pricing and continued to operate as well, but dozens of Uber customers said they would instead turn to Lyft.
Healthy competition, which has not yet been usurped by Fuhrer Trump, and displaying a conscience, Uber competitor, Lyft, announced a one million dollar donation to the ACLU over the next four years.

Lyft’s co-founders aggressively assailed the Trump policy, while Uber’s CEO was mildly critical.

A month ago Uber CEO, Travis Kalanick, signed onto Agent Orange’s economic advisory board.

The issue is the implementation of Trump’s plan to fight terrorism by temporarily stopping citizens of seven nations from entering the country.

photo: Business Insider

Over the weekend, large protests erupted at airports throughout the U.S. where travelers were being held on Saturday, a day after Trump signed an order banning travel to the U.S. by citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

Yet another great American institution kicked in to high gear to counterbalance the injustice.

I applaud the ACLU for reacting so quickly.

Lawyers have swarmed all airports where foreigners from the aforementioned countries are being detained.

These actions are what makes America great.

Trump is devaluating America as a world power, inviting more acts of homegrown terrorism by his derisive action and, most importantly, voiding the basis tenets found in the U.S. Constitution.

Now is not the time to stand on the sidelines.

Take action, no matter how small.

Reject Uber and Lyft this country up.



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