Post Tagged with: "Uber"


C’est Bon…

C’est Bon…

Overnight flight to Paris.

A Little Of This & That

Hot Under The Collar…

Hot Under The Collar…

Hot Child In The City.


Lyft Us Up…

Lyft Us Up…

Uber has plunged into a major sinkhole. #DeleteUber began trending on Saturday to protest the company’s decision to continue operating while taxis decided to strike, refusing to pick up passengers […]

That's Life

I Still Got It…

I Still Got It…

Being a strong-willed woman as well as spending several decades as a resolute mother, I am not accustomed to ceding power.

New York City

Smell That Smell…

Smell That Smell…

I feel confidant that most of my readership has been to New York City. Here’s a thought that literally assaulted me on my way home last night.


Sweet Youth…

Sweet Youth…

  Sunday morning at 5:30am. Bidding adieu to my daughter as she heads off to New York City for business and to check things out for her move in the […]

Restaurant Reviews

Dining: Table Set For Perfection…

Dining: Table Set For Perfection…

Thursday night in Paris. The city was quiet except in the Marais. Grazie, the local Italian restaurant, was packed. The wait was one hour. We were departing early for Bordeaux […]


Channeling Cinderella…

Channeling Cinderella…

Saturday, I really identified with Cinderella.


Road Rage…

Road Rage…

I always thought that the stress of a New York Giants game would kill me, but I think driving in Los Angeles will lead to my demise. I have definitely […]

Retail Therapy

Online Shopping…

Online Shopping…

Shopping online…easy, but personally, highly overrated.