Arts + Culture

That's Life, Theater

I’m Mad As Hell...

I’m Mad As Hell…

Yesterday was a day brimming with highs.


Warhol-From A to B and Back Again...

Warhol-From A to B and Back Again…

Warhol was an equal part prolific artist, generational huckster and gifted showman.


The Ferryman Transports You...

The Ferryman Transports You…

Candy Corn or Dots? Oprah or Ellen? Briefs or Boxers? Beyonce or Madonna? Musical or Drama? Yesterday, I chose drama.

Friendship, Theater

Daniel’s Husband and His Mother...

Daniel’s Husband and His Mother…

So this happened…

New York City, Theater

New York Times...

New York Times…

Saturday began spinning out of control, but in a good way on a stationary bike at Equinox.


Agent Orange Is The New Blackness...

Agent Orange Is The New Blackness…

Broadway is busting out all over with new productions, especially dramas. I just witnessed a gripping new play fettering an outstanding cast led by the gripping, emotional Kerry Washington and […]


A Star Is Born...

A Star Is Born…

Yesterday was perfect movie viewing weather. I hit up the 10am showing of, A Star Is Born.


Broadway Bound...

Broadway Bound…

The dawning of a new Broadway season. The trick is to buy tickets for a new show when it first opens in previews. I never paid more than $43 for […]


Upgrading Life...

Upgrading Life…

I frequently review Broadway shows. Switching coasts, I have a small, but mighty show to recommend. In LA, I am always looking for interesting things to do. Yes, it does […]

Food + Drink, Museums

Broadening My Horizons...

Broadening My Horizons…

I love days like yesterday.