Does today (Inauguration Day 2017) usher in the end of freedom and democracy in America?
I haven’t slept much lately because I cannot reconcile the fact that Prima Donald is going to be president, surrounded by that old, white, prejudice, wealthy, fiercely conservative cabinet.
They railed at Hillary and beat their collective dad bod chests in protest that she was in Wall Street’s pocket.
Just look who is in bed with Wall Street now…fools.
There is not much I can do right now except to stay engaged and involved.
Ladt night I joined the 25,000 people who rallied at Columbus Circle in front of the Trump International Hotel to let our voices be heard in opposition to Agent Orange.
Michael Moore, Mark Ruffalo and Fisher Stevens organized the event.
The massive crowd rallied behind speeches from Robert DeNiro, Julianne Moore, Cher, Cynthia Nixon, NY Mayor Bill de Blasio, a very impressive Betsy Hodges who is Mayor of Minneapolis, Alec Baldwin, Shailene Woodley, Rosie Perez, Reverend Al Sharpton, Sally Field, Marisa Tomei, plus many more.
It was inspirational.
Moving forward, the only viable activity for me is to march with thousands of other concerned women in Washington D.C. tomorrow.
And, off I go with my smart, involved daughter who is justifiably apprehensive about the future.
This action will be my political enema.
The only way I can temporarily cleanse myself is to be proactive, push back against the red tide and flush out all my nervous, negative energy.
See you on Monday.
Stay Strong.