Post Tagged with: "5th Avenue"


'Tis The Season...

‘Tis The Season…

I hit the streets of New York City yesterday and browsed the holiday windows on Fifth and Madison Avenues. There is nothing more beautiful than midtown Manhattan this time of […]

New York City, Travel

Black And Blue...

Black And Blue…

Is there a black cloud hanging over my head? These past few months I just feel as if I cannot have a complete day without more shit being shoveled in […]

New York City

Marauding Manhattanites...

Marauding Manhattanites…

25,000 steps. Translation…11.5 miles.

Entitlement, New York City

Walk This Way....

Walk This Way….

Clocked miles this weekend, taking in my New York City surroundings. After a great deal of research I have come to the conclusion that tourists are a pain in the […]

New York City, Social Commentary

Holiday Cheer...

Holiday Cheer…

The holidays are so close. Manhattan retailers are busy, windows glowing, spirits high. Walking in Central Park and passing through Times Square on the way to a Broadway show, I […]


Save The Girls...

Save The Girls…

It’s October…that means Halloween and speaking of a treat…no trick…go treat yourself to a mammogram during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Now that I am over 40 (one “hot” momma) I […]

New York City, Recipes

I'm Mad As Hell...

I’m Mad As Hell…

Life gets in the way of my blog. I was going to write about being waitlisted for a one-way trip to Mars and then the apartment debacle leveled me. After […]

LifeStyle, New York City

New York State of Mind....

New York State of Mind….

I am leaving on a jet plane today, headed to New York City. I want to tackle Giants training camp and I may have an interesting project looming on the […]