
Self-Realization Lake Shrine
Self-Realization Lake Shrine

The Self-Realization Center.

I am not making this up.


I need to self-realize so I took my sacred ass to The Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine down the road from my home in Pacific Palisades.


The ten-acre site was dedicated by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1950. He was an Indian yogi and guru who introduced millions of westerners to the teachings of meditation through his book, Autobiography of A Yogi. He also founded the Self-Realization Fellowship.


Thousands of visitors come each year to enjoy the scenic beauty and serenity of this spiritual sanctuary.

Court of Religions

The grounds include a Court of Religions honoring the five principal religions of the world. Paramahansa wanted us to remember, especially in this day and age of constant wars and violence, initiated in the name of God, that we are all made in the image of God.

Court of Religions
Court of Religions

Collectively, the God’s must know that I crave the ever elusive serenity…that’s why I am here, contemplating.

Golden Lotus Archway
Golden Lotus Archway

The Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial, where a portion of Gandhi’s ashes are enshrined, holds a prominent spot by the Lake, surrounded by the Golden Lotus Archway.

Gandhi World Peace Memorial
Gandhi World Peace Memorial

There is also a museum with exhibits of Paramahansa Yogananda’s work.

The Temple
The Temple

The temple itself is perched on a hilltop.

Yesterday, the Shrine had just opened at 9am and I took a cleansing breath and strolled in. Besides a smattering of yogis in tie dye, I had the place to myself.

It is remarkable that you turn off of bustling Sunset Boulevard yet you cannot hear any traffic. Cell phones are asked to be muted and no one is uttering a sound.


I strolled the wood chip strewn paths that circle the Lake. The scent of roses and honeysuckle was pervasive. The birds were tweeting (not online) and it really was a remarkably peaceful and serene setting.


It takes a moment to adjust…like entering a darkened room. In today’s world, you are not accustomed to silence and unmanipulated beauty.

Lake Houseboat
Lake Houseboat

The Lake is dotted with a houseboat and a windmill chapel which is an authentic reproduction of a 16th-century Dutch windmill.

Windmill Chapel
Windmill Chapel

The building was on the Lake when the Lake Shrine was acquired.


The great domed temple is nestled on the hilltop with stunning views of the Lake and the Pacific Ocean. The dome soars 58 feet and the temple incorporates a blend of Eastern and Western architectural styles.

Shrine Lake
Shrine Lake

This is a great place for all the Entitlementors that I so often speak to visit because at the Self-Realization Center it is all about you.

Selfie freaks can shoot away without being judged and the backgrounds are impressive.

I took a book and read about trying to get along with other humans. I was optimistic when I departed and then I ran into some asshole drivers and decided that I needed to return to the center very soon.

Gift Shop
Gift Shop

One more thing…unable to miss a retail therapy opportunity, the Self-Realization Center has a lovely gift shop with handmade goods from India. Of course, I had to make a purchase. After all, it is for a good cause…serenity and world peace.

View From The Temple to the Pacific
View From The Temple to the Pacific

Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine 17190 Sunset Blvd. Pacific Palisades, California. Open Tuesday-Saturday 9am-4:30pm, Sunday 12:30-4:30pm.. Parking on site. Temple open all day Sunday. Donations accepted. No smoking, food, pets or bathing attire.

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One Comment

  1. Paula Lopez says:

    Really beautiful.

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