Riders On The Storm…

Tornado Watch.

Spent Sunday on the lookout for a black funnel cloud.

The wind blew, the rain was torrential at times, chairs bounced around the pool and violently swaying trees shed their leaves into the rippling water.

TV stations were running tornado watch marathons.

A tornado did touch down nearby flipping cars, snapping trees and knocking out power for thousands of residents.

We were trying to figure out where to take cover if the tornado funneled on by.

I have been checking out hurricane impact windows and doors and it runs upwards of $50,000. I may just take my chances.

By late afternoon, despite the debris, you would never know a Watch had been on. The fly was blue, the humidity dissipated and the laps back on the priority list.

There is so much political crap and loss of freedom blowing in the wind these days that a natural disaster, surprisingly, just doesn’t faze me as much as I thought it would.

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