Please Help To Drive This CAR…

America is great.

That has nothing to do with the Orange festering mass in the nation’s capital.

In what other country is it conceivable that an organization could raise $1 million in less than 24 hours?

Kind and generous Americans filled the UNICEF coffers after watching Wednesday’s segment on the Today Show.

Cynthia McFadden traveled to the Central African Republic (CAR), a territory unfamiliar to me.

The country is bordered by Chad, the Congo and Sudan.

It turns out that it is the most dangerous place in the world for children and also holds the distinction as the unhealthiest country in the world.

The segment broke my heart.

1.5 million children are at risk in CAR during the brutal civil war between Muslim and Christian factions.

There are 14 warring factions and disrupting normal life is their main goal.

Feeding the citizens is not a priority.

Despite its significant mineral deposits, uranium reserves, crude oil, diamonds, gold and cobalt, the Central African Republic is among the ten poorest countries in the world,

UNICEF has been trying to raise money to save the children of CAR, but fell short again last year.

Money is desperately needed to feed the children.

For less than 50 cents a day per child, the Plumpy’Nut bar (or Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food), saves the lives of severely malnourished children.

I immediately went to the Today Show/UNICEF site and made a contribution (

I implore my readers to consider giving up your cappuccino or cold press juice today and donating just $5-10 to UNICEF with the money specifically earmarked for the Central African Republic.

Please, please, please pass this along to friends and family.

In the 21st century we cannot allow children to die from malnutrition.

Thank you!!

Watch the Today Show segment:


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  1. Beth Martin says:

    I totally agree. Heartbreaking ann’s fundamentally wrong. I made my donation.

  2. The Devil is working above it’s pay grade today- up in the sphere of the angels. Well done.

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