Pacing Yourself…

My Nike’s are made for walking.

And walking is just what they do.

This past week I’ve have been walking off life’s organ twists and turns.

Managing my daily due diligence from home to the crosstown hospital has allowed me to expel some frustrations and provide 45 minutes of mental health time.

I am averaging 20,000 steps a day.

Spending hours on end in a hospital is debilitating…the sights, smells, worn linoleum,  antiseptic coloring and germs are personally debilitating and I am only the advocate.

Being grateful and appreciative of the nurses is tantamount to success.

Doctors are as elusive as Trump’s usage of an educated, sophisticated vocabulary.

Getting into the enormous hospital structure is as frustrating as confronting airport security.

The other day I waited 20 minutes to get through security to enter the hospital…way too many sick people.

Elevator wait times are endless and Saturday we were stuck in the Sabbath elevator which stops at every floor with a one minute programmed door opening on each and every floor.

Upon arrival at your designated floor you dive deep into survival mood which means smile, hold your breath, say thank you ad nauseam and respect the power.

Nurses rule the roost and are varied (colorful and bland)  as a jumbo box of Crayola Crayons.

In order to make it as a patient you must have an appreciative as well as a passive aggressive advocate by your side.

Not even a towel acquisition is acquired without assertive yet courteous begging.

And you must have your trusted advocate close at hand to manage the basics such as ice chips, a walking companion, an extra gown to cover your butt, staying on top of pain meds and a timely update on the patient’s condition and progress.

Within the confines of your barless cage there exists a pervasive soundtrack of moaning, beeping and breathless, “Hello!”

David’s roommate has been screaming “Hello” for four days.

I am beginning to think she is rehearsing to be a back up singer for Adele.

If you close your eyes you could be on the set of a porno film, but when you open them it’s a horror flick.

I know this particular patient and advocate are hoping for an imminent release.

Please and thank you ?

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One Comment

  1. oh dear, how I know this well.. Making a tough situation even tougher. Think maybe it is so that the patient will get well quickly just so they can leave….and therefore you can also. Hope this stay is not much longer. He looks good!!! Can David ever look bad I think not. Keep your sanity…thoughts are with you and they are only good ones

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