One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest…

Lately, I cannot get a break.

Despite natural disasters, illness and lots of bumps in the road I was all set for a lovely Martin Luther King holiday far from national television.

I thought I would spend it at the beach reading, forgetting my woes and Inauguration Day of our first oligarch.

Well, Mother Nature who seems to have a really destructive attitude of late, brought on heavy rain in southern Florida.

I reconsidered my plans and decided on a manicure/ pedicure.

I finally found an open spa and settled in.

My luck, the salon had 3 huge televisions all broadcasting the swearing in of the worst president in the history of this country….usually it is music videos from South Korea.

Let me tell you, it is quite challenging to cover your ears when you are getting a manicure.

Drone on you Village Idiot.

No wonder you idolize the inane melodies of the Village People. I used to enjoy their one big hit, YMCA during the 7th inning stretch at baseball games. Guess I’ll take a hotdog or bathroom break in the future.

Attempting to remove yourself from this country’s recent unreal reality is a tough nut to crack, especially since the nutcases are now running the White House asylum.


Cartoon:Sacramento Bee

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  1. Cindy Ruby-Brown says:

    At least Ohio State won last night.

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