Novel Pastimes…

New York Public Library
New York Public Library

What a sophisticated Grand Dame…in great shape for her age with beautiful lines and a stunning profile. Her lair is watched over by 2 strong feline guards. Her borders are painted with blooming colors. Her backside padded with yards of greenery, sustenance and comfort zones. Her inner persona packed with knowledge and words of wisdom…a woman of substance.

library lions
Who is this seductive, stately woman…the NYC Public Library!


I was strolling past the NYC landmark and was overcome with respect and sorrow. I know things change, time marches on, but books and reading should never be a dying art.

I think reading is sexy. Like a virgin, the book is young, new. Inhale the freshness. Open the newly minted body, crack the spine and you are ready for a titillating adventure.


There is a real disaster a brewing in America. Bookstores and libraries are disappearing. Reading and writing are becoming passe. Subject and predicate are unknown entities, punctuation has disappeared and no one under 25 knows how to spell without spell check. The younger generation thinks that the NYC Library is merely the venue for Carrie Bradshaw to marry Big…much more mettle than that! In fact, the library holds over 53 million items and is the 2nd largest library in America.

carrie wedding
Carrie Bradshaw’s Almost Wedding at the NYC Public Library

I think one of the most relaxing and pleasurable things to do is to take a brand new hard cover book to the beach, plop down in a beach chair under an umbrella by the water, and while away the day lost in a great novel…words cannot express my happiness. 

Exercise your mind with a good book…stimulation cures boredom and a short attention span.

beach read

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