I am a tough woman.
I am not a crier unless puppies or the NY Giants drive me there.
Today, I found myself profoundly sad and teary-eyed.
Not being a religious or highly spiritual person, I am shocked to find myself filled to the brim.
Right now, I do believe there is a higher power, albeit Mother Nature, looking down on this insane planet and saying, “”You mere mortals have totally screwed up. Climate change is very real. You will experience that up close and personal. Now, you will pay the price!”
Tears are running down my face as I once again witness the repeated devastation in the Caribbean, watching 150mph winds whip through an already bankrupt Puerto Rico, the island enduring the wrath of Maria, dogs and toddlers being rescued from crumbled buildings in Mexico City while hundreds are dead from a 7.1 earthquake, the Obamacare fight being reignited, and of course, the rancid rhetoric of Agent Orange being replayed over and over again on all the morning news shows.
In essence, Humpty Dumpty Trumpty’s U.N. speech is not entirely wrong.
The U.N. was established to keep peace in the world.
The institution has not done their job.
The only consistent action they take is screwing up traffic in NYC when the General Assembly is in session.
Venezuela, Syria, Iran, North Korea are all committing heinous crimes against humanity, but Agent Orange’s bombastic, overly rhetorical, dramatic hand gesticulating speech was Trump rally propaganda, playing to his base.
It was the wrong speech for the venue.
And as the tears roll, why does that pompous, blustering man never name check Russia in relation to hacking the U.S. election and interfering in other countries elections as well as Russia’s crimes against the Ukraine.
So…will our upcoming weekend be confronted with taking cover from nuclear attacks, hurricanes and earthquakes (there was a 3.5 in L.A. on Tuesday) or can we relax and just watch football which was once considered the most violent part of society.
Big Girls Don’t Cry, but this one is.
*photo: transforminglikenow.com