I Nailed A Contractor…

toby pedi

These feet were made for moving and stomping out irresponsible, unprofessional contractors.

I took a break around 6pm last night and indulged my overworked, achy breaky feet and stopped into a nail salon in my new ‘hood.

I soaked away the blues as some sanity entered my overheated life. I signed a contract with a hopefully responsible, professional contractor. This after interviewing 3 other contractors who wasted valuable time taking measurements and trading ideas and then never submitted bids. Along with ISIS, contractors as a whole should be considered for elimination.

I reluctantly handed him a check to kick off construction. It was tough to part with the deposit because I was entertaining fantasies about absconding with the renovation money and heading  to the Greek islands. No decorating decisions to be made as I adore the Mediterranean blue and white color scheme.


Darn, too much guilt to run away even though I am so tempted. Ok then…cue music and let’s all join hands and sing the hallelujah chorus.

Mr. Fix It hung out in his tool belt for 4 hours, going over every single detail. What a change from the last contracted asshole who never had a moment to discuss. She did find unagreed upon  time to savagely rip out the kichen and bathrooms so I guess some element of home renovation was accomplished.

She would text at 8am that 2 workers were on their way to make kitchen magic. By 3pm I would call in to find out what morgue I should deliver their personalized toe tags.

Seriously, not even in LA rush hour traffic does it take 7 hours to drive from Marina del Rey to Pacific Palisades. I could walk that route in less time.

I’m tired of being inconvenienced regarding my daily ablutions and the impossibility of brewing a cup of morning coffee so I am cautiously optomistic about moving forward.

im mad as hell

The nightmare continued until I dramatically stood up and screamed, “I am mad as hell and I am NOT going to take this anymore!”

My husband is conveniently away on business for the week and all decisions are mine. Come to think of it, the timing of this trip gives me pause. Maybe he is actually in the Greek islands. Men never have guilt issues.

It now appears that I need to sequester every piece of new furniture recently purchased and delivered. Any thoughts?

I have 3 bathrooms so I am going to shove all the bright new baubles into the loo and hope for the best.

Time to flush away my problems and get this reno party started.

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  1. LOL

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