Mix in a dash of mom and a pinch of coconut…

woman sweating

Point of fact…what really makes me sweat?

My beloved, age defying mother, Eunice.

First off, that name still stops me in my tracks. She is so not a Eunice.

My grandmother, the Duchess of retail therapy, Syd the magnificent, wanted to name my mom, Jacqueline…much more fitting. Unfortunately, Syd’s immigrant mother could not pronounced the name so it turned into Eunice.

Eunice just celebrated her 93rd birthday. She is an elegant character, obsessed with the color purple, smart, type A, a talented ballet dancer, accomplished paper mache artist, floral arranger, cook, knitter, and is still driving and driving me crazy.

She won’t go to exercise class, but she will run errands all day, every day. She goes nuts if she doesn’t have daily highlights and is frustrated by her contemporaries lack of desire for a nightlife.

Since my dad passed away, she has made no attempt to date. My father was a handsome, successful man with no evidence of ear or back hair. My mom says every man she encounters has hair in all the wrong places, is stooped and wears their pants to high up on the waist.

She is single and doesn’t want to mingle with weathered old men. She has closed up shop and never wants to display an “open for business sign” again.

She plays canasta with the “girls” every Monday for 65 years and they love to gamble and gossip. She has her hair done every Thursday. She reads 3 newspaper a day and stays current on all major political and social issues.

I told her about my blog and she is on a crusade to drum up readers. She does not own a “machine” as she refers to a computer, but is frustrated by her friends who say they don’t blog. She tells them they are missing greatness! You go, mom!

Her latest, greatest disappointment in life, Ellen DeGeneres’ wardrobe…go figure.

Eunice has graciously donated her famous coconut cookie recipe for public consumption. They are delish and easy and always garner compliments and fans.

                          Coconut Cookies

  • prep time is 10 minutes
  • 1 7 oz. bag Coconut (2 cups)
  • ½ Sugar
  • 2 Egg Whites
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla (optional)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Combine coconut and sugar. Mix well. Add beaten egg whites. Make small balls. You can use a teaspoon to mold. Another option is to make the molds larger for coconut macaroons. Refrigerate batter for 20-30 minutes. Place coconut balls on lightly greased cookie sheet. (PAM works, as well). Bake cookies for 20-25 minutes. Ovens differ. Key is to remove when the tops are a golden brown color. Let stand until cool and remove with the back end of a spatula.

Cookies can be frozen indefinitely and are actually delish straight out of the freezer, especially when you wake up during the middle of the night and just need a sweet treat fix.  the coconut cookies last a week in the refrigerator in Tupperware. I think storing in plastic baggies give the cookies a funny taste.

1 batch feeds many!


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One Comment

  1. Can you believe this purple family? I go shopping and always seem to pick out the purple in any rack……..my friends know this is my color.as for the ballerina stuff….must be in the genes too….am waiting until I am old enough to stop! Go Eunice!!! An inspiration as was my mom.

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