
Memories come in waves.

I was riding on solid emotional ground for a bit and all of a sudden the storm clouds formed and the water got rocky.

I found Queen E. was constantly in my thoughts.

As usual, I dialed her when the plane landed and then reality reared its ugly head.

Courtny received some impressive accolades at work last week and I couldn’t wait to spill to my mom.

This is the first time in my life I didn’t buy or make her a Valentine.

What can you do…no way to reach out and literally touch.

I miss those cheery “good mornings” and moments of complete abandon, knowing you can let it all out to a sympathetic and trusting soul.

I am fortunate to have decades worth of memories, but reality can be brutal.


  1. Ahhh. I know the feeling. You can call me. I want to hear about Coutny’s accolades. I happy to be a sympathetic friend to your “musings”. Sending you hugs across the miles.

  2. I hear you……… is hard and strange

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