I Love New York…

The Lake In Central Park
The Lake In Central Park

Home Again, home again, hippity hop…

I am so happy to be in New York City that I have completely regressed back to my childhood.

We thankfully experienced a relatively turbulence free flight without any “Angry Birds” https://ifthedevilhadmenopause.com/angry-bird/ ‎ to spice up the trip.

Our favorite driver was awaiting our arrival at JFK. Seriously, you have to have someone pick you up at JFK, especially if you are flying Virgin America. There were a minimum of 100 people standing in the taxi line. If in need, reach out for Benson’s info…stellar service.


The city is vibrantly vibrating. I think the natives were so restless from hibernating during a treacherous winter that everyone played outside during the weekend.

Sheep Meadow
Sheep Meadow

We tossed the carry on luggage into our apartment and hit the Park running. We cruised all our favorite spots and had a bite outside at Le Pain Quotidien in Central Park across from Manhattan’s version of the beach, Sheep Meadow…a plethora of people had invaded the undulating verdant meadows…amazing!

After posting and cleaning the apartment on Monday, I took to the streets. I had a repeat performance in Central Park and passed numerous celebrities, hiding behind big hats and sunglasses, but my stardar was at full capacity.

II took in all the familiar sights, once again as Mike Francesca roared in my ear on Sports Talk radio. I glided up to the 90’s and then crossed over to retail mecca and made my way home down the elegant and enticing Madison Avenue.

Covered Walkway In Central Park
Covered Walkway In Central Park

I settled into the reality of being a homeowner and did a drive by at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Only in Manhattan would Bed, Bath have a doorman to meet and greet and elegantly open the door to a domesticated world of must haves. John is one charming dude who remembers your name…my version of Cheers.

John, Bed, Bath and Beyond
John, Bed, Bath and Beyond

Lunch was a phone call to the mainstay Chirping Chicken. Home delivery is a given in the city and it is always free. Chirping is reliable, consistent, reasonable, tasty and always open even if you land at 2 am…like a good neighbor, Chirping is there.

I couldn’t let a day pass without trying out a new restaurant. We hopped the  1 train and hit the West Village and had a fabulous dining experience….review of Bar Bolonat to appear next Tuesday.

west Village
West Village

AT 11 pm, the West Village was still active so we sauntered up 8th, crossed over to 9th to peruse the Meatpacking district and picked up the 1 at 23rd Street and 7th Avenue.

The Nets were playing the Miami Heat and as we passed people sitting in cars with open windows we asked for the score. If you did that in LA, they would roll up their window and drive off…wait, we wouldn’t be walking in LA so …

Another thrilling day in the Big Apple even if you are just living life…isn’t it time you spent a glorious day in New York City?!


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One Comment

  1. Paula Lopez says:

    I just loved your post!!!!! A valentine to New York- even if it pushed the holiday to Easter with a joyful “hippity hop”!

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