The only place I feel at peace anymore is the beach.
The sway of the ocean, colors, solitude put me at ease.
I try never to pick up my phone on the beach except to peruse sports scores.
I avoid Breaking News, hoping these are trump’s final days and that he does not pull any shenanigans…and then we can all finally find solace in the New Year without an Orange hue shading our daily life.
My new schtick is waking at 1am and starting the day with coffee and a spin class and then a 6:15am weekend beach departure.
The down side is that by 4pm I’m ready for an Early Bird dinner prepared by my own personal chef…me, but I do savor the peacefulness before dawn.
I never seem capable of relaxing with a good book at home, but put me on a beach with the sound of the surf and I could read for days.
Thankfully, the beach is stil a viable outlet in Southern Coronaville.
There is talk of closing the beaches again.
I would definitely lose my mind.
We arrived at the beach at just before sunrise this weekend. The rainbow of colors from sunrise to its ascension into the morning sky was spectacular.
The sand is ice cold from not being exposed to sunlight for hours, but there are no people to turn my veins to ice.
I will continue to just gaze at the graceful dolphins and read, hoping for the best until humans start showing up around noontime maskless.
We flee.
Shaking up paradise yesterday my husband divulged that gun toting QAnon supporter, Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Borbert, had defied orders from the Capitol Police during the January 6th lockdown, tweeting out that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been moved from the chamber.
She could use a nice, confined respite…in jail.