In The Mood…


Mood swings.

How do you keep up with them?

Mood swings along with hot flashes and constant glowing are part and parcel of the menopausal party package.

Screw it. I can live without a midlife rave.

Yesterday, I woke up with a migraine from all the stress and was feeling lower than the NY Giants offensive scoring average.

I looked around the Blitzkreig and contemplated heading to Gelson’s for a bag of Tate’s chocolate chip cookies. Then I internalized all the guilt I would feel after consuming and how I would bombard my husband with complaints about the way my clothes fit.

After not seeing him for a week that would probably not be a particularly attractive welcome home mantra.

I have been experiencing excruciating pain in my shoulder. I have not done anything about it. Unless the doctor can make a house call, I am out of luck as I have been in solitary confinement at my Palisades pile of poop.

Finally escaped yesterday and made it to the doctor, joyously discovering I have a separated shoulder. Tennis, anyone?!

Headed to the valley for my come to Jesus meeting with my new contractor…final decisions were due. Instead of 112 degrees, yesterday was only 92. Thankfully, I remembered to take a sweater.

To be honest I was concerned that I would be able to make a final decision. I had seen so many options on Monday and I wasn’t that excited about anything.

I arrived early and grabbed the tile guru, MJ at International Tile. I felt that our collective tastes were more in sync. A second viewing was mandatory.

A miracle occurred…everything came together, on budget…my mood had turned sunny.


Dr. Mark, the contractor who will hopefully cure all the homestead ills, arrived and we made beautiful decorating music.

By George, I think we’ve got it. We then headed over to Stoneville and found the most amazing countertops. I had selected the slab on Monday, but was concerned about matching the cabinet colors with the quarzite.

I dragged a cabinet and floor sample to the store. If the cabinets can be straightened and all the mistakes corrected, this could turn out to be an awesome kitchen.

I departed the valley and avoided the freeway, winding up and over Coldwater Canyon. There were literally 100’s of cars bumper to bumper crawling up the canyon from Bev Hills. I was so grateful to be on the other side of the pandemonium.

Not all runs smoothly in LA traffc. I was stymied at Sunset in Brentwood as an apartment building was on fire. I just can’t step away from the heat.


I woke today unfettered and ready to take on another delivery. After 3 weeks I may actually have a refrigerator…. cool…bring it on.

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for visiting my HuffPost Menopause Cafe post. I came here to check things out and then I decided THIS is the place for me when you mentioned Tate’s cookies! Glad you commented so I could retrace the breadcrumbs (cookie crumbs?) back to all this! Gonna subscribe right now….love the site and of course the title!

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