Higher Being …

Sports Is Our Savior

Friday night, during the NCAA March Madness Syracuse/TCU game, I realized that I had failed as a parent.

As I became more emotionally involved in the crucial second half of the first round game, I received a text from my daughter regarding an online jewelry purchase.

Sports is sacred in our home.

It is our religion.

What Courtny did on Friday night was sacreligious.

You cannot mix metaphors and a retail inquiry is a definite no no during a one and done sporting event.

We are of the divine belief that you are dedicated to only one Higher Being.

The Retail Goddess cannot override the Sports Goddess.

The pain was eased by a Syracuse win, but I fell into a restless sleep, tortured by my parental dereliction of duty.

Where did I go wrong, how did I fail her and witness my daughter lose her hardcourt focus?

I had always preached, Keep You Eye On The Ball!

It will take time to reconcile.


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  1. Yeah, that’s heavy stuff. Kids are jerks.

  2. Howling!
    And as a jewelry designer, I must write that maybe I would side with your daughter. 🙂

  3. Your amazing daughter says:

    You raised me to be a competent multitasker. I’m basking in the glory of a win and jewels. Take a nap and go Orange!

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