French Folly…

French musings.

Firstly, the French have never been friendlier.

Many more admit to speaking English and enjoy the conversation except for some in our traditional town.

The owner of the coffee and tea salon pretends she cannot understand my French or English.

Yesterday, she slipped and asked us what we wanted for breakfast in English.

Every time I say the French word for bread (pain) she pretends she does not understand. Come on!

Yesterday, her husband who is the baker, was literally all over her. I witnessed French kissing up close and way to personal. No bread for me!

You really have to work hard to have a bad meal in France.

Wine is extraordinary and so inexpensive…under 5 euros for a glass at lunch.

Why is wine so expensive in America and often lousy?

This week we had a fabulous three-course lunch with wine for 22 Euros.

A French baguette costs 1 Euro. I pay $5 at home for mediocrity.

Every designer item is hundreds of dollars less in Europe.

Uber is way cheaper.

Most French people are dying to visit New York City.

The French are very concerned about the state of American politics.

Huge amounts of people ride bikes to work.

Generally speaking, the French are much thinner than Americans and do not eat in between meals.

Everyone dunks there baguette or croissant into their morning coffee.

Surprisingly, high street fashion is a dying art in France. High heels have been replaced by sneakers. Unbelievably, French women wear running shoes.

French men are still addicted to scarves.

Less dog poop on the sidewalk.

French dogs eat inside restaurants and are often in baby carriages.

French drivers are more aggressive than even New York drivers.  They ride your butt and will take you out at a roundabout if you hesitate for a split second.

Cash is rarely used.  Everything is about the card.

Passport control has been digitized…you are through in a moment.

Paris museum excursions must be booked in advance  as well as most restaurants.

High speed train travel is reasonable, effortless and fast.

Croissants are still, in most cases, tres bien and the butter🥐🧈

C’est tout.

Enjoy your weekend…the Devil will be sporadic next week as we will be exploring wild Turkey options in light of Thanksgiving!



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