Crazy Town…

It’s 3:32pm PT on Thursday afternoon and I am about to lose my mind.

I know I am fortunate to have all the creature comforts during the prolonged lockdown.

I am able to escape every morning for a long hike without coming in contact with other humans.

I am definitely committed to Team Quarantine.

I write, do Pop Sugar workouts, clean, organize and cook.

My laundry loads are repetitive…yoga pants, black T and various sweatshirts.

Everything that is washable has been laundered.

Cooking is my present career and my social life involves making meal meet ups with my husband.

I literally never sleep for more then 60 minute stretches.

I am always up and dressed for my 3am date with Morning Joe.

I prepare full on lunches and dinners every single day.

I have read all types of books and am always searching Netflix, Hulu and Amazon for shows.

MSNBC is the soundtrack to my life.

I am constantly in tears listening to the all the heartbreaking tragedies that are unfolding and the bravery and dedication of the front line medical community.

To preserve my sanity I need to step away.

With a sense of false hope, I am drawn to the daily Agent Orange press conferences.

My need for sports compels me…his virtual rallies are the only competitive sport left on TV.

They are as frustrating as watching a NY Giants football game…inept, sloppy and full of disappointment and lies.

The press start with a great game plan, but are always on the defensive against a crafty, maniacal quarterback who is always tossing interceptions which rarely turn into points for the other side.

My anger and hatred for Agent Orange knows no limits.

I have been viewing online wine classes and then practicing at 5pm.

I spent 2 hours today searching for masks because the mayor of Los Angeles just issued an order to wear protection outside.

After failing at the mask search (other than finding some interesting facial masks), I am going the multi-colored cotton bandana route.

Tomortow is a big day because my Pilates instructor is teaching our weekly midday class on Zoom.

Friday night is date night.

I am shaking up some ice cold Chopin martinis and making Eggplant Parmigiana.

I wish I could say I am at peace with this lifestyle, but  I do miss the good old days which I have a feeling will be a memory like sleep away camp.

I am envisioning a new world order on the horizon.

Stay well and safe…try to avoid Crazy Town.

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  1. I think you spoke for many of us in your blog………
    Will try your eggplant recipe (YUMMY SOUNDING )
    as soon as I can get some eggplant!

    We are all in the same BIG BOAT floating adrift……
    waiting for the “orange man’s” next move.

  2. Beth Martin says:

    That my life too. Cooking, cleaning, thank goodness fir Canasta games, reading, watching but definitely turning off the news. It’s the only way to stay sane. Stop watching Trump and his band of false friends. I miss seeing you.

  3. We are team “bandana-martini-infinite hatred towards orange shithead-morning Joe” too !!!

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